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Distorted interpretation of spirituality

Recently, more and more people are posing as spiritual individual. And we are all on our spiritual journey. And we all rise up somewhat spiritually. And we all strive for complete spirituality. And we all wish we were recognized as spiritual individual. And whether we are aware of it or not, it is ugly to listen to us! I try to be who I am, and let others recognize what I carry and label me in my own conscience. Why? A compliment of a sincere friend sounds much nicer, than all the words of self-praise I can think of. I would much rather hear a friend talk about someone nicely, than talking higly of oneself. This does not mean that we are not aware of our own value. That simply means we recognized it, therefore don't have a need to rub it under someone's nose. Especially spiritual achievements! Share experiences with others, that's why we're here, but leave others to appreciate and recognize you as a spiritual individual or something else. It sounds much nicer! And it has much greater value. You are recognized and discovered, therefore confirmed to be what you think you are!

Honestly, when I meet a person whose priorities are completely mundane, while at the same time intertwining spirituality with their own decisions, I have a hard time. What is spiritual about a divorced woman who leaves her child alone at night while seeking one night stands, defending herself that her wild experiences will help her in spiritual development and in search of any deeper sense of her own existence? Ever since the issue of the crotch became the main obsession of middle-aged people, an absolute priority in life, the world became the scene of the hidden Sodom and Gomorrah. And what is extremely important these days, many women think they are right in recounting their experiences in front of their under aged daughters and justifying themselves that it is better for their children to learn from their experiences than to go through the thorns of sexual maturation on their own. Would you be comfortable listening to your mother's sexual experiences? Especially if she had more than one partner? In detail? So what do we do to our children? And why do we justify low passions with spirituality? Why don't we just admit that we like to experiment in this field and that it gives us pleasure and that's it? Because that is it! There is no high spirituality in our want to experience the various stages of existence on Earth. Each experience teaches us something, it expends our consciousness and shows us the path we should or should not go. But wrapping low urges into high spirituality is disgusting. At least.

I met people who had destroyed two marriages and left several children in destroyed homes because they found their "soul mates" on the other side. A soulmate, therefore a spirituality in defense of one's actions, again! No, my dear, it is deceit, betrayal, adultery ... There is nothing spiritual about it. There is, when you clear your paths from the shackles you feel around you, even if it is your own children, and you move on to a free life. As you cheat, you leave your spouse as a plan B in your path, often unconscious of the situation you are in. This means that you give yourself the right to sit in two chairs and do what you want, while the person you have vowed to live your life with is living a lie and living only for you and the family you created. It's not spirituality, it's hypocrisy. Allowing your partner to search for their soulmate as well, that is spirituality.
          We also hide behind spirituality when it comes to other people's lives and our opinions about it. Superficially, since we are all spiritual, yeah, we support everyone and everything, because each has its own path and purpose. When we get to know a person better than someone we disagree with or, God forbid, we come across a group of like-minded people, we are able as a pack to attack that person, all in the spirituality style. Well, we explain to them that their actions are not good for purely spiritual reasons. Who are we to get in someone's way? Are we aware of the negative energy we send while criticizing people seeking their place in the world? And when do we create a pack that attacks them?
        I do not intend to criticize anyone's decisions, I just wish that, when we already have the courage to do what we do, we call it by it's real name. That is all!


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