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Love today

Story one:
           A girl in love with a young man of her own, middle, working class. Both from honest families, hardworking, capable people. They learned from their parents what they should be like in life. They are each others first love. They grew up together, got to know the world together, got to know each other through each other. Enjoyed years and years of fun. Love grows every day. Every look, touch, talk about overcoming obstacles to reach a common future, all points to love that grows moment by moment. They finished schools. They had to work in order to graduate from college. Employed in the profession. Love culminates in a logical pursuit of living together. They are planning a wedding. They have good salaries, but they cannot pass without credit. They both lift it. Parents cannot help them much. Their pensions are barely enough to survive. But they do not ask their parents for anything. Alone. They can do it, and love conquers all. Everything is organized. All secured. With the credits, they had to borrow a little money to turn that day in what they had imagined for so long. It doesn't matter, they'll give it back, just that the day goes by and it'll be organized somehow. Perfect day, like from a fairytale. They didn't miss one detail. Stories were told long time after that weding, how it was all love.

         Ten years later:

         They managed to repay the debt, but they are still paying off the loans. Both firms closed in the first five years of their life together. Despite the sacrifices they made to graduate from college and secure better lives, they are now forced to do anything to feed their families. She is employed by a private individual in a grocery store. He does the same with a private contractor at a construction site. Their inflows were reduced by more than half. The original plan for repaying a wedding loan and raising a home loan to secure a dream home was replaced by mere survival. Love is the only thing that has kept them for a few years during periods of difficult survival. And somehow they managed to manage it while their son went to school. Now that their daughter has enrolled in first grade, it's a different story. It is difficult to educate two children, paying rent, taxes, living with such a low income. Quarrels are becoming more common. Most often they are about how to feed children tomorrow. Books for one child alone almost exceed her salary. And the other kid, and everything else he needs? They have been struggling for years, finding ways to create something out of nothing. But times are getting harder. The wages remain the same and the expenses are increasing. And bigger. And bigger. Two wages are no longer sufficient for the basics of life. They don't remember the times when they could afford something for themselves something. They both walk in disintegrated shoes, markers crossing over scarred parts to mask their age. Both are comforted by at least providing the children with what they need. They no longer laugh much. Now they just smile to cover up their pain. They can't sleep at night, pressured by debt, life. During the day they pretend everything is in order, they hide from the children how difficult it is for them. He is forced to go abroad. They just learned that a third child is on the way. It's too late for ... they'll keep the kid. It is not clear to them when this happened, when they were so rarely intimate. And how did she not notice that her cycle was missing? Pressed by thinking of everything else, she has no time to think about herself.

The day has come. He's coming. The day came, too. He's leaving. He will come every three months, but he will send them a regular monthly follow-up. Nothing was harder for them. They separate for the first time. A family that is no longer. The father was not at the birth of his third child. It was the first time his baby had been born without his presence. The first year they spent a month together. Four times. Another year, twenty days. Three times. In the third year, he reported less and less. The distance did its thing. After three more such years, divorce was a logical solution. Today, she is a single mother of three. He is the father they see once every two years. He still sends them money regularly. Less money since he started a new family there. They are waiting for their second child….
    She often doesn't even have the basic necessities of life. Low salary in Serbia. Big expenses around kids. She was able to repay the loans. It's a little easier now. She still doesn't remember when she afforded some kind of pleasure. Let the  kids have it, it's easier for her….

Story two:
     She was young, handsome, and she lacked the perfect beauty to hide beneath a ton of makeup. She was known in her town and vicinity as a dating girl. Her own and everyone elses. She didn't mind enjoying her life to the fullest. Through years of experience, she has learned to draw the attention of the wealthy. Even richer. Although some of them were unscrupulous in this game of money and body exchange, it was not difficult for her to fulfill their demands. With some compensation, of course.
        When she was old enough, she was bored with games. She decided to settle down. She had a great experience, and she had mastered all the ways to get what she wanted. She found a guy rich enough to be able to provide for her great grandchildren  . He wasn’t pretty, but beauty is overrated, right? He wasn't young either, but youth was overrated. After just over a year of dating, they have announced the engagement. The preparation of the wedding was followed in all media. Like the wedding itself. Of course all her wishes were honored. The tabloids have not stopped writing about that big day, when the announcement came that it was in a different state. Then the birth of the first child and the second.

        Ten years later:

         The sons grew up with nannies and maids. Mother and father were figures to paint. Mom still enjoyed going out at night, having fun. Her husband has long since given up on making the wrong decisions. But he didn't want a divorce either. So he joined her and justified her actions in every way possible. He paid her for all the surgeries she wanted to go to. Nose surgery, lips, chest, abdominal tightening, liposuction, correction of anything and everything .. If he remembered correctly, this was it. Now she was considered one of the most beautiful women. Private schools, holidays, winter vacations, every wish fulfilled. Both her and their sons.

Love today ...


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